Planet Earth is our home, and it’s the only planet we have, so we need to take care of it. Caring for our planet starts in your own home and it doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, you can make small daily changes with your children to make a difference.
How can you help?
How can you help build an awareness of sustainability and reduce the amount of plastic ending up in landfill and in our oceans? Simply by stopping to use plastic wherever possible.
Currently, about 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year to make bags, bottles, packages, and other commodities for people all over the world. Unfortunately, only about 10% of this plastic is properly recycled and reused. The rest ends up as waste in landfills or as litter in our natural environment, where it leaches dangerous chemicals into the nearby soil and water, endangering humans and wildlife alike. (
Plastic pollution is poisoning our oceans and land, injuring marine life, and affecting our health!

Here are 50 activities to inspire you to live more sustainably with your family:
- Talk about the dangers of plastic ending up in the sea and go to your local beach and clean it up
- Shop at your local op shop
- Start a compost
- Plant a tree
- Go for a walk in nature as a family
- Use recycled materials for crafting
- Watch a video on plastic pollution with your kids
- Use resuable lunchboxes with zero packaging for school lunches
- Buy local seasonal fruits and vegetables with minimal packaging
- Climb a tree
- Go to the library and borrow books on the planet
- Find a bug in your backyard and study it
- Make your own bug hotel
- Conserve water by turning it off off when brushing teeth
- Turn lights and devices off when not using them
- Grow herbs, fruit and vegetables
- Spend a day with your family at a national park
- Go to your local wetlands and learn about its habitats
- Use green or natural cleaning products
- Spend the afternoon drawing in nature. Draw a tree, or a plant, a leaf or even an insect.
- Go Barefoot (read about the benefits here)
- Study nature
- Take the plastic-free challenge!
- Go to a local re-planting day as a family
- Make a video to share with your family and friend about how you can save the earth
For more information visit Earth
Join a bush playgroup near you.