Little Wild Blossoms Early Years Bush Kinder Program (for educators)

Little Wild Blossoms Early Years Bush Kinder Program (for educators)

The early year’s edition of our Little Wild Blossoms Bush Kinder program has been developed for early childhood educators to use for either remote learning, at their centres or for bush kinder programs.





Our nature-based program embeds rich, sensory play and inquiry centred learning experiences. These carefully planned activities help families connect to our earth, learn about first nations people, the environment and sustainability. Our program has been developed by a team of primary school teachers, early childhood educators and forest school leaders who have years of experience running outdoor nature play and bush programs for children.


The National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and Victorian Early Years Learning Development Framework (VEYLDF) concepts and outcomes have been considered and linked to the learning experiences in this program. At the back of each program, we have included an extra 2 – 3 pages with all the links to the learning outcomes. The outcomes foster learning and development of children birth to five years.


Included in our 6 week Little Wild Blossoms Bush Kinder program, are weekly themes around the following topics: Flowers, Pollinators, Grubs, Birds, Frogs and Baby animals with links to the following:

    • Weekly PDF printable program (approx 15 pages)
    • Weekly song (video)
    • Weekly storytelling (video)
    • Weekly craft and stem activities (PDF & video)
    • Weekly Bush learning and explore in nature (video)
    • Weekly mindfulness in nature exercises (video)
    • Links to resources and further learning (PDF)
    • Weekly challenges
    • Printable learning sheets that incorporate early literacy and numeracy to go with the weekly theme

PLUS as a BONUS, you will receive a set of our 20 Common Backyard Bug card printables which comes with an accompanying 6 page learning booklet with ideas on ways to use them and also fun facts about each bug.


Encouraging your families to get outdoors is such an essential part of a healthy childhood and more important than ever so we’re here to help you so you don’t have to do it alone.


Please note that this is not an online program where children need to be on a screen to do the program. Most of the activities and worksheets have been developed to encourage children to go outside and complete the activities. And remember, you can watch and replay our videos over and over again anytime you want with the whole family or at your service!


Our nature play learning program aims to support your child’s development and learning and encourages you to use everyday natural and recyclable resources found at home.  With a strong emphasis on sustainability, we hope to inspire our next generation, our wild warriors to care for and learn about their environment.


Recommended for ages 2 – 8 years


*COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved. This file is for personal use only and is not to be resold or used for personal profit/benefit.

Little Wild Blossoms Early Years Bush Kinder Program (for educators) study unit  – nature learning program