1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
It’s time to get kids off the screens and into our Forest school workshop these school holidays. They’ll learn life skills and how to use real tools while making friends and building confidence in the outdoors. Do you have a curious child? A child that loves to climb, build, run and be free? Then this workshop is for them. We’ll embark on many adventures through the bush where we learn, discover and explore our natural environment and it’s fascinating wildlife.
The children will get to experience what forest school is all about! They may try their hand at some tools, learn rope knots to make their very own swings, learn how to safely navigate in the bush, snake safety, learn how to track animals, all about our amazing wildlife, plants, Indigenous history and best of all build bush cubbies!
Our forest school aims to inspire creativity, a natural curiosity and enriching sensory play experience while seeking to follow their interests and a instill a love of learning. We also ensure that children learn to use their bodies so that they develop strength, good balance and coordination while learning to take safe risks with guidance and support from the educators.
Join us for this hands-on workshop run by Adam.
Adam is the founder of Eco Explorers and has been delivering bush programs to families for over two years. He spent his entire childhood living and camping in the bush; climbing mountains, exploring rivers, learning to fish, track, make fires and to simplify… just ‘being’ at one in nature. Adam now hopes to share his childhood & adult experiences with the next generation to inspire a deep connection with nature. He is also a forest school leader and has a background in Outdoor Education.
Forest school is an all weather outdoor program so you need to make sure you bring appropriate weather protection and clothing. Children must have closed footwear when walking in the bush, sun hats, sunscreen, wet weather gear, plenty of snacks and water and a change of clothes. Our program will only be cancelled in the event of an extreme weather warning; fire, storm, high temperatures and strong wind.
Ages: 3 – 8 years
*Parents are required to attend and are responsible for their own child.