Knots Step by Step: A Practical Guide to Tying & Using Over 100 Knots


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This is the one-stop guide to knots for every purpose and occasion.

Knots Step by Step is the essential guide to knowing and tying knots for every purpose. From figure-of-eights to reef knots and highwayman’s hitches to monkey’s fists, this book includes every knot you ever thought you needed to tie – and more!

Covering more than 100 knots for climbing, sailing, horse-riding, survival, and fishing as well as for gardening, DIY, medical, and decorative purposes, the clear layout and photographs of every step will move you on from knot-tying novice in no time. You’ll also learn all about the different types of knots and the fascinating stories behind how many of these came into being as well as their original functions.

Knots Step by Step is the ideal book to have to hand for whenever a knot is needed, so grab a copy now and be prepared for every knotty scenario.

Recommended for ages 8 years +

PAGES – 400 Pages