Kookaburra Kookaburra Card Game

An educational kids game of Australian birds.


6 in stock



This card game accompanies the children’s book of the same name, Kookaburra Kookaburra.

The card game consists of 4 x 12  birds commonly found in Australia all beautifully illustrated with linoprinted images. The game is played much like ‘Happy Families’ or ‘Go Fish’ (rules of play included) or for younger players a version of Snap works well or they can be used in memory games.

To purchase in multiples add to basket, then adjust quantity once you ‘view basket.’

Each bird’s name is written at the top of the card to aid recognition and learning of some of Australia’s most loved birds.

The cards are large in size to make handling easier for younger players.

Measurements –
Box Size 9 x 15 cm
Contains 52 cards

Birds include –
Australian Magpie
Yellow Robin
New Holland Honeyeater
Superb Fairy Wren
Spotted Dove
Australian Raven
Boobook Owl
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Willie Wagtail
Red Wattlebird
Welcome Swallow