Wallace Reserve is an example of a highly valued neighbourhood reserve, where the local community has worked together with Frankston City Council to restore the bushland environment. Today this beautiful reserve contains pockets of natural indigenous bush for wildlife habitat, large grassy areas for recreation, and space to enjoy a break from the noise and bustle of urban life.
Things to see Indigenous plants Pockets of indigenous plant communities are returning to the reserve. Of particular note is the grassy woodland area with an understorey of Weeping Grass, Spiny-headed Mat-rush and Variable Sword-sedge and an overstorey of Narrow-leaf Peppermints. It is wonderful to see areas of indigenous vegetation gradually reestablish with the assistance of the volunteers. Native animals Brushtail and Ringtail Possums have made their homes in the bushland areas whilst an occasional koala has been seen moving through the reserve. Native birds are returning to the restored bushland areas and the pine forest is likely to be a suitable habitat for cockatoos and other large parrots.
Information via Frankston City Council